Our Moneypenny Receptionists will quickly become one of your most precious tools.
We don’t like to brag, but we know our receptionists are the very best out there. Briefed by you, they’ll respond to inquiries and questions on your website, whenever your customers need them to. And don’t worry, they’re only there when you need them – so you can decide whether you want they’re support 24/7 or just when you’re in-house team are busy, it’s up to you.
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Hi, I'm Jamie. If you're wondering how we respond to your chats exactly as if we're based in your office, you're in the right place. Here at Moneypenny we've been managing chats and calls on behalf of thousands of businesses since 2000. We don't like to brag but we're pretty good at it and the chances are you've already dealt with us but not realized. I'll tell you how!
There are two ingredients which combine to make the perfect outsourced web chat experience. The first is the right people. Our PAs are employed for their can-do attitude; they're mighty switched on people, super bright and capable; the sort of people you'd want to employ yourself. They specialize in different business sectors - from estate agents to lawyers, medical or specialist retailers. We've got most sectors covered. They adopt the right tone to reflect your business and your needs; they rightly consider themselves to be an integral part of your team.
The second ingredient for success relies on you briefing your Moneypenny PA. Think of it as running through things with a new employee. If you had someone starting out in the office you'd give them an overview of the business - a sort of introduction - and then, chances are, you'd familiarize them with the most frequently faced tasks and build up their knowledge from there. Well your PA is just the same; they just happen to be based here at Moneypenny. Before you brief us we'll have done our homework. We'll have a look through your site and will most likely be very familiar with your business sector, but the key thing here is that it's your business. To us this means that it's you that we really learn from; you know what your customers ask, you know what they like to hear, so sit down, get yourself comfortable and have a cup of coffee in one hand and your phone in the other and tell us all. We'll be doing exactly the same at this end. But, honestly, if you have no idea where to start it's fine; we're used to doing a lot of hand-holding. Maybe start with the FAQs and we'll go from there and, regardless of how we start, the learning doesn't stop. We'll keep learning from your customers and we'll be talking to you regularly.
And that's it, folks; pretty simple, really. We give you the very best people, you give them the knowledge and we turn those web visitors into lovely customers.

Moneypenny is the #1 outsourced provider of brilliant customer conversations to over 21,000 businesses of all sizes and, we get it. Letting us represent your brand is hard. That's why we put trust at the heart of everything we do.